Sorry miss the Cc-ing to the caml list.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Julien Signoles <>
Date: 2010/5/14
Subject: Re: [Caml-list] Balancing algorithm of Set/Map implementation
To: Yoriyuki Yamagata <>


2010/5/14 Yoriyuki Yamagata <>
When I read the balancing function of stdlib's Set/Map several years ago, I thought I have understand how it works.  But now, I read it again and I'm less confident now.  Could someone answer my questions? 
Is this code right?  If r is Empty and lr and ll are huge trees, 

doesn't it create a massively unbalanced tree?

Another question is that why OCaml implementation allows
a balancing factor up to *2*, which is usually allowed only up to 1?

Maybe my question is naive one, but I would appreciate if your could comment it.

Some years ago, Jean-Christophe Filliātre and Pierre Letouzey formally proved within the Coq proof assistant ( that this algorithm is correct. Explanations provided by their paper [1] should answer your 2 questions.

[1] Jean-Christophe Filliātre and Pierre Letouzey. Functors for Proofs and Programs. In Proceedings of The European Symposium on Programming, volume 2986 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 370-384, Barcelona, Spain, April 2004.

Hope this helps,
Julien Signoles