See the Enum section of deriving:

I haven't used it myself so cannot comment on how well it works.

On Fri, Sep 3, 2010 at 2:51 PM, Martin Jambon <> wrote:
Sylvain Le Gall wrote:
> Hello all,
> I would like to somehow enforce that a variant type is associated with
> an entry in a data list.
> For example,
> I would like to define:
> type license = GPL | LGPL
> and
> let data = [ GPL, "GNU Public license";
>              LGPL, "GNU Lesser General Public license" ]
> I would like to enforce that all variants of license are in the
> association list.
> I have tried to use polymorphic variants, but don't see how to enforce
> this constraint.
> The point, is that if I add a new variant to license (e.g. BSD3), the
> compiler output an error because this new variant is not in data list.
> Any ideas ? If you need to use another type expression rather than
> variant, please do so, as long as I am able to link the license type
> and data list.

I don't see a solution other than meta-programming or runtime checks.

Here is a simple code generator that would do the job:

(* *)
open Printf

let print_licenses l =
 printf "type license =";
 List.iter (fun (k, v) -> printf " | %s" k) l;
 printf "\n";
 printf "let licences = [\n";
 List.iter (fun (k, v) -> printf "  %s, %S;\n" k v) l;
 printf "]\n"

let () =
 print_licenses [
   "GPL", "GNU Public license";
   "LGPL", "GNU Lesser General Public license";

(* end *)

$ ocaml >



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