2010/5/14 Sylvain Le Gall <sylvain@le-gall.net>

But there is a lot of uncertainty around these figures.

I take into account the "vote" field which reflects regular users of
camomile: 25. (comparable figures: janest-core: 10; ocaml-fileutils: 11;
ocaml-gettext: 12; ocaml-nox: 479; extlib: 138).

There are ~75k voters but we estimate the number of installed computer at
around 500k (min) to 1M (max). So you could consider that there are
between 160 to 330 regular users of camomile... Of course this is an
approximation, there are many unknown figures.

Concerning other OSes, there is also Ubuntu, but this is basically
exactly the same package as Debian.

What are the statistics of sourceforge downloads?

Thanks for data.

In comparison, data of m17n-lib (a multilingualization framework which happen to be developed by m17n/i18n team of my institute.) is here.


The runtime's votes are 537 but votes of m17n-lib-dev (34) is roughly same popularity to Camomile.  

About sourceforge download, 0.7.1 is downloaded 3269 times since 2006-08-20, and 0.7.2 (which is identical to 0.7.1 except the license) is downloaded 1017 times.

So maybe we can conclude that Camomile is installed several thousand of machines.  It might impress my boss. 
Yoriyuki Yamagata