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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Julien Signoles <>
Date: 2011/1/26
Subject: Re: [Caml-list] Converting "fun ... (type t) ..." into a caml < 3.12 code
To: Stefan Holdermans <>

2011/1/26 Stefan Holdermans <>

> How to convert the following ocaml 3.12 code into a typable ocaml < 3.12 code?

Coincidentally, earlier today, I ran into a situation not that different from the one you describe. I haven't come up with a satisfying solution yet.

> I have a solution using Obj. Is it possible without Obj?

Are you willing to share this solution?

let g (x:'a) =

  let module S =
      type t = Obj.t

      let compare =
      let equal = ( = )
  (Obj.magic (S.elements (S.singleton (Obj.repr x))) : 'a list)
(* less efficient but using Obj.obj instead of Obj.magic: *)
(*  List.rev (S.fold (fun o acc -> (Obj.obj o:'a) :: acc) (S.singleton (Obj.repr x)) []) *)

Note that:
1) I'm pretty sure someone who initials are XL will be unhappy with such a solution
2) For a real-world application [*], I prefer to leave a known bug instead of fixing it using such a solution... And either waiting for a solution without Obj or waiting for a future day where our software will require ocaml 3.12


[*] Frama-C (