In pattern position you must write patterns, not expressions; this is a different syntaxic class that, in particular, doesn't have any syntax.
Writing bound variable in pattern position and hoping that it will do an equality test is a classic mistake. Even if you did "open Sys;;" then match on "sigterm", it wouldn't do what you want. A correct way to do it:

  | pid, Unix.WSIGNALED sig when sig = Sys.sigterm -> ...

On Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 3:59 PM, Philippe Strauss <> wrote:
Hello caml'ers

This one is short, I'm writting a signal handler:

205: let sig_exit () =
206:    Unix.kill !chpid Sys.sigterm ;
207:    match (Unix.waitpid [] !chpid) with
208:    | pid, Unix.WSIGNALED (Sys.sigterm) -> log `LOG_NOTICE "child terminated by parent"
209:    | pid, pstat -> log `LOG_ERR "child asked to terminate by parent, but unexpected process status received"

and compilation chokes on:

philou@air:~/mysrc/deconvolution/jackond$ make
ocamlfind opt -thread -package unix,threads,netsys,netstring,netplex,rpc,equeue,jack,str,syslog -c -o patcher.cmx
File "", line 208, characters 28-35:
Error: Syntax error
make: *** [patcher.cmx] Error 2

replacing Sys.sigterm by -11 or signumber, it compiles fine.

I don't get it.

It's using ocaml 3.12 of godi, on osx 10.6.5, x86_64

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