What's the point to rely on another lib while the standard lib Unix is enough for this simple task? I don't know calendarLib, that's why I ask. But it relies on Unix and Sys anyway so maybe it's better to just use Unix.

2010/10/27 Richard Jones <rich@annexia.org>
On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 08:44:10AM +1100, Arlen Cuss wrote:
> # open CalendarLib;;
> # Calendar.now ();;
> - : CalendarLib.Calendar.t = <abstr>
> # Printer.Calendar.print "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S\n" (Calendar.now ());;
> 26/10/2010 21:43:43
> - : unit = ()

Even better, use the internationally standardized format for dates:

# Printer.Calendar.print "%F %T\n" (Calendar.now ()) ;;
2010-10-27 11:28:59
- : unit = ()



Richard Jones
Red Hat

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