On 9 Apr 2019, at 19:14, Helmut Brandl <helmut.brandl@gmx.net> wrote:

Hello list,

I would like to run some continuous integration like travis ci on my opam package. Unfortunately ocaml is not supported directly by travis. But I have found the GitHub repository ocaml/ocaml-ci-scripts and some instructions on how to use it.

Dear Helmut,

My questions:

- Is this a stable form on how to use travis with ocaml?

- Are there experiences and are they good?

Last I checked, there were over 400 repositories on GitHub using ocaml-ci-scripts.  It's pretty stable.

- Why has this solution been chosen instead of integrating ocaml support directly into travis?

Why do you need direct integration with Travis?  The use of the Docker support has made the necessity for that essentially obsolete.

See, for example:

in cohttp, which uses Travis and Docker to test the libraries on a variety of Linux distributions.

- Isn’t the solution an overkill, because it requires a complete opam and ocaml installation on the travis machines in order to test an opam package? Isn’t there the risk that travis might block this form of usage in the future?

- Is there a better method to use CI with ocaml?

This solution is pretty good for most people. I'd encourage you to give it a try, and to contribute back any improvements or feature requests you might have after trying it out for a while.
