Dr. Leroy: First, my deepest thanks to you and your colleagues for your excellent, hard work on the Objective Caml system and its related tools. I'm simultaneously learning a tremendous amount from programming in O'Caml and having great fun doing so. I'm curious as to whether there's any chance of having (some variant of) the attached patch applied to the O'Caml 3.10.0 codebase. The attached patch was provided to me by Alon Kama, maintainer of the Ensemble process group communication system, in support of enabling Ensemble 2.01 to work correctly on Mac OS X. As you know, Mac OS X is a BSD-derived platform, hence makes the distinction between SO_REUSEADDR and SO_REUSEPORT in socket options related socket rebinding--a distinction that affects much server-oriented socket code. So this patch should benefit any BSD-derived platform, not only Mac OS X. Having said that, I cannot honestly say that I fully understand what changes, particularly conditionalization, might be necessary to ensure its proper use on all supported O'Caml platforms; nor, of course, can I say whether making that determination with your available staff, hardware, OS, and time resources is realistic at all, let alone in the time remaining to deliver O'Caml 3.10.0. So I appreciate your forbearance. Many thanks and best regards, Paul Snively