module Device : sig
  type pull
  type push
  type pub
  type sub
  type router
  type dealer
  val streamer  : pull Socket.t -> push Socket.t -> unit
  val forwarder : sub Socket.t -> pub Socket.t -> unit
  val queue     : router Socket.t -> dealer Socket.t -> unit

On Mon, May 16, 2011 at 4:02 PM, Joel Reymont <> wrote:

On May 16, 2011, at 3:39 PM, Gabriel Scherer wrote:

> More generally, I don't think the polymorphic variants bring anything more that what you could have with simple abstract types here.

How would I accomplish this with simple abstract types?

For example, how do I do this?

module Device :

 val streamer  : [`Pull] Socket.t -> [`Push] Socket.t -> unit
 val forwarder : [`Sub] Socket.t -> [`Pub] Socket.t -> unit
 val queue     : [`Router] Socket.t -> [`Dealer] Socket.t -> unit


- for hire: mac osx device driver ninja, kernel extensions and usb drivers
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