2011/4/11 Julien Signoles <julien.signoles@gmail.com>
Hello Allain,

2011/4/8 Alain Frisch <alain.frisch@lexifi.com>
On 04/08/2011 01:25 PM, Julien Signoles wrote:
2) module F(X:...) = G(H(X))

Without applicative functors, we again get the error about parameter
elimination. But I see no workaround to eliminate it without changing
the signature of F. So IMHO that is a use case where applicative
functors are useful.

I'd be interested to see a full example for this case.

Download sources of Frama-C here : http://frama-c.com/download/frama-c-Carbon-20110201.tar.gz
The use case is in module State_builder :

(* ... *)
module Caml_weak_hashtbl(Data: Datatype.S) = Weak_hashtbl(Weak.Make(Data))(Data)
(* ... *)

Do you see any workaround to compile this code with -no-app-funct (and as most as possible without changing API)?

Looking this case in details, there is actually one workaround.

(* ... *)
module Caml_weak_hashtbl(Data: Datatype.S)(Info: Info_with_size) = struct
  module W = Weak.Make(Data)
  include Weak_hashtbl(W)(Data)(Info)
(* ... *)

There is still the issue with diamond import in libraries like mentionned by Andreas.

Sorry for the noise,