Hello list, I have used the ocaml/ocaml-ci-scripts to start continuous integration with travis-ci. I have copied the ‘.travis.yaml’ file into my repository and started pushing to my GitHub repo. With that everything works fine. Travis builds the project, runs the tests and creates the documentation (I use ‘dune build’, ‘dune build @runtest’ and ‘dune build @doc'). Now I wanted to start an automatic deploy to GitHub pages and added the following to my ‘.travis.yaml’ file: deploy: provider: pages skip_cleanup: true github_token: $GITHUB_TOKEN keep_history: false on: branch: master local_dir: _build/default/_doc/_html/ First I have forgotten to add the last line and travis-ci added the hole root directory to GitHub pages. After adding the last list, the script cannot find the specific documentation directory. I have checked in the log file, that the build script generates the documentation. However it possibly removes it at the end. Does anybody have an idea how I can find the built documentation? I have difficulties in understanding the ‘.travis.opam.sh’ and ‘.travis.ocaml.sh’ scripts which are obviously loaded by the ‘.travis.yaml’ file. Thanks for hints. Helmut