I think the issue would be substantially mitigated were it not for the simple fact that [type 'a t] in a signature means "abstract type", whereas [type 'a t] in a structure means "empty type". The fact that there is no syntactic distinction, and indeed *no way to make one* caused me a great deal of confusion some time ago when I had a problem similar to David's. If I had my way, [type 'a t] would mean "abstract type", and would therefore be disallowed in structures, and there'd be a separate syntax for empty types (although I admit not having any great ideas for what it should be). Then if there were two empty types in a signature, they'd be incompatible (and injective), just as two types with exposed constructors are incompatible. On 24 February 2015 at 19:52, Jeremy Yallop wrote: > On 24 February 2015 at 18:26, David Allsopp > wrote: > > Leo White wrote: > >> > Please could someone remind me what it is about types in modules which > >> > means that > >> > > >> > module Foo = struct > >> > type 'a foo > >> > end > >> > > >> > type _ t = A : int Foo.foo t > >> > | B : float Foo.foo t > >> > > >> > let foo A = () > >> > > >> > is non-exhaustive pattern matching, but: > >> > > >> > type 'a bar > >> > > >> > type _ u = C : int bar u > >> > | D : float bar u > >> > > >> > let bar C = () > >> > > >> > is exhaustive? Or is it actually a bug (given that foo B is a type > >> error)? > >> > > >> > >> If Foo is replaced with: > >> > >> module Foo : sig > >> type 'a foo > >> end = struct > >> type 'a foo = unit > >> end > >> > >> so that `int foo` is equal to `float foo`, then your match isn't really > >> exhaustive. > > > > How so? > > In order to understand what's going on here it helps to consider two > relations between types: compatibility and equality. > > Equality's simple enough: two types are equal if they are the same > (after resolving all alises). For example, > > float and float are equal > > int and float are not equal > > string -> bool and string -> bool are equal > > int t and int t are equal for any unary type constructor t > > int list and int option are not equal > > float t and int s might be equal if t and s are aliases. For > example if we have type 'a t = int and type 'a s = 'a then float t and > int s are both equal to int. > > Compatibility's a tiny bit more complicated. Two types are compatible > if it's *possible* to make them equal by some instantiation of > abstract types. For example: > > equal types are always compatible > > int list and int option are not compatible > > float t and int s are compatible if t and s are abstract types, > since there is a way to define the abtract types that makes float t > and int s equal. > > GADTs are mostly about equality. The fundamental role of GADTs is to > transport type equalities from one part of a program to another. > However, checking compatibility of GADT indexes is sometimes useful as > well. In particular, checking the compatibility of indexes during > pattern matches allows the compiler to more precisely identify > redundant cases or inexhaustive matches. > > We might imagine three possible strategies that the compiler could > take in checking a pattern match involving GADTs for exhaustiveness > and redundancy. Suppose we have a function that matches over GADTs: > > let f : type a. (a, int) s -> unit = function ... > > Then > > (1) The compiler could simply ignore type information and assume > that all cases could potentially be matched. This was the approach > used in GHC until recently. > > (2) The compiler could check whether there is some instantiation of > locally abstract types that makes the declared type of the case > variable equal to the type of the pattern for each case. For example, > if s is defined as follows: > > type (_, _) s = > X : (float, int) s > | Y : ('b, 'b) s > | Z : (bool, float) s > > then there are choices for the variable "a" that make (a, int) > equal to the types of X and Y, but no way to choose a type for "a" > that makes (a, int) equal to the type of Z. > > Unfortunately an approach based on equality breaks down when > abstract types are involved. (I'll show why below.) > > (3) The compiler could take the same approach as in (2), but check > for a way to make types compatible rather than equal. This is the > approach taken in OCaml. > > Let's look at your example. You have an abstract type Foo.foo and the > following type definition: > > type _ t = A : int Foo.foo t > | B : float Foo.foo t > > Now, suppose you have a function declared like this: > > let f : int t -> unit = function > > Then with approach (1) both A and B would be allowed as patterns, and > leaving them off would lead to a warning about exhaustiveness. With > approach (2) neither A nor B would be allowed, since int t is not > equal to either int Foo.foo t or float Foo.foo t. With approach (3) > both A and B are allowed as patterns, since int t is compatible with > both int Foo.foo t and float Foo.foo t. Allowing both A and B as > patterns is the correct option here, since it's possible to call f > with either A or B if foo is instantiated appropriately: > > module F(Foo: sig type _ foo end) = > struct > type _ t = A : int Foo.foo t > | B : float Foo.foo t > let f : int t -> unit = function > A -> () > | B -> () > end > > include F(struct type _ foo = int end) > > let () = begin f A; f B end > > > But you get no warning about an unusable match case with: > > > > let foo = function A -> () | B -> () > > The reason is that the types of A and B are compatible with each other. > > >> Personally, I dislike this behaviour and would prefer both cases to give > >> an error. > > > > What's to dislike? It's rather useful - the constructors of a GADT are > partionable by type. > > It is indeed useful, and a nice bonus is that it leads to more > efficient code. However, one (reasonable) point of view is that there > shouldn't be a difference in behaviour between defining something > directly and having a temporary abstraction barrier in between the > definition and the use. I tend to agree, except that I think the > desirable fix here is not to stop using the compatibility check to > improve pattern matching compilation but to add to the language a way > to express that int Foo.foo and float Foo.foo are incompatible (i.e. > that Foo.foo is injective). > > More generally, I think OCaml's whole approach to exhaustiveness > checking for pattern matching with GADTs is an interesting story, and > I'd like to see it written up somewhere (assuming it isn't already). > The Haskell folk are writing a paper about new approach to > exhaustiveness checking for GADT patterns, but the issues that arise > when you have modular abstraction, as in OCaml, are quite different. > > Jeremy. > > -- > Caml-list mailing list. 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