See also the following thread last year, "Not letting channels escape", which (after some incomplete attempts from me) illustrates a fully safe with_file function. On 11 August 2015 at 12:14, Gabriel Scherer wrote: > > Yeah. I was thinking that that might be avoided. Something on the line > > of putting the file descriptor into a local module so ocaml would > > complain about it escaping its scope or something. > > You can use the "ST monad" trick to track escape of values or effects: > "Region-based resource management", Oleg > > > However, this requires writing the resource-manipulating operations in > monadic style. > > module ST : sig > type ('s, 'a) st > val return : 'a -> ('s, 'a) st > val bind : ('a -> ('s, 'b) st) -> ('s, 'a) st -> ('s, 'b) st > > type ('s, 'a) st_ref > val st_ref : 'a -> ('s, ('s, 'a) st_ref) st > val get : ('s, 'a) st_ref -> ('s, 'a) st > val set : ('s, 'a) st_ref -> 'a -> ('s, unit) st > > type 'a secretive = { run : 's . unit -> ('s, 'a) st } > val run_st : 'a secretive -> 'a > end = struct > type ('s, 'a) st = 'a > let return x = x > let bind f m = f m > > type ('s, 'a) st_ref = 'a ref > let st_ref, get, set = ref, (!), (:=) > > type 'a secretive = { run : 's . unit -> ('s, 'a) st } > let run_st st = () > end > > let (>>=) m f = ST.bind f m > > > > # let test = > ST.run_st { = fun () -> > ST.st_ref 1 >>= fun r -> > ST.get r >>= fun before -> > ST.set r 2 >>= fun () -> > ST.get r >>= fun after -> > ST.return (before + after) > };; > val test : int = 3 > > # let test_escape_1 = > ST.run_st { = fun () -> > ST.st_ref 1 >>= fun r -> > ST.return r > };; > Error: This field value has type unit -> ('a, ('a, int) ST.st_ref) > which is less general than 'b. unit -> ('b, 'c) > > # let test_escape_2 = > let hole = ref None in > ST.run_st { = fun () -> > ST.st_ref 1 >>= fun r -> > hole := Some r; > ST.return () > }; > !hole;; > Error: This field value has type unit -> ('a, unit) > which is less general than 'b. unit -> ('b, 'c) > > > On Tue, Aug 11, 2015 at 11:36 AM, Goswin von Brederlow > wrote: > > On Thu, Aug 06, 2015 at 07:50:38PM +0000, Malcolm Matalka wrote: > >> Nicolas Ojeda Bar writes: > >> > >> > Hi, > >> > > >> > No magic needed in OCaml: > >> > > >> > let with_open path f = > >> > let oc = open_out path in > >> > match f oc with > >> > | x -> close_out_noerr oc; x > >> > | exception e -> close_out_noerr oc; raise e > >> > > >> > and then use it as > >> > > >> > with_open "foo" (fun oc -> output_string oc str) > >> > > >> > Cheers > >> > > >> > Nicolas > >> > > >> > >> The weakness with this (which I'm not sure if Python offers protection) > >> is returning something that references the file created. It can lead to > >> some confusing error messages. > > > > Yeah. I was thinking that that might be avoided. Something on the line > > of putting the file descriptor into a local module so ocaml would > > complain about it escaping its scope or something. > > > > At least unlike the other suggestion this one closes the FD on exception. > > > > MfG > > Goswin > > > > -- > > Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management and archives: > > > > Beginner's list: > > Bug reports: > > -- > Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management and archives: > > Beginner's list: > Bug reports: >