As an illustrative example of the use of non-recursive and: [let x = y and y = x in ...] swaps the values of x and y.

On 2 March 2015 at 07:25, Gabriel Scherer <> wrote:
  let x1 = e1 and x2 = e2 and ... and xn = en in body

Has the effect that the x1,x2,..,xn are bound "simultaneously" in body, and not before. Unlike what "let x1 = e1 in let x2 = e2 in ..." does, x1 is not visible in e2, etc. This is rarely useful when programming, but extremely useful when meta-programming, as it allows you to evaluate several different pieces of code in the same scope independently, without risk of variable shadowing.

For the record I don't find your feature suggestion particularly tempting. Mutual recursion is more expressive than single-recursion, and I'm not sure what would be the point of allowing the former and restricting the latter -- the horse is already out of the barn. Instead of

  let rec fac = function
    | 0 -> 1
    | n -> n * fac (n - 1)

I can write

  let rec fac = function
    | 0 -> 1
    | n -> n * f (n - 1)
  and f n = fac n

turning any self-recursion into mutual-recursion.

I'm not sure I understand your point about accidental value recursion. Do you have an example?

Note that it is possible to use recursive modules as a way to have recursion between phrases (structure items) without explicitly using "rec". It's a bad idea in most situations, because using recursive modules makes you rely on more complex (and accordinly more fragile) features of the language.

On Mon, Mar 2, 2015 at 7:25 AM, Jordan W <> wrote:
(Note: When trying any of these examples, make sure to kill/restart
your top level between each examples - non-recursive bindings that
should fail will appear to work because they use existing bindings in
the environment).

My understanding is that self-recursion in OCaml is introduced via the
`let rec` binding keyword pair.

    let rec x a = x a

A sequence of let bindings are made *both* mutually recursive, *and*
individually self-recursive via a combination of `let rec` and the
`and` keyword.

   (* Notice how y is made self recursive as well *)
   let rec x a = (x a + y a) and y a = (x a + y a);;

The `and` keyword by itself is not sufficient to introduce mutual
recursion, and not sufficient to introduce self-recursion for any of
the bindings joined by the `and`.

    (* Does not work *)
    let x a = x a and y a = (x a + y a)
    (* Does not work *)
    let x a = y a and y a = x a

My questions are:
1. Is there any effect to having the `and` keyword, without a `let
rec` that initiates the let binding sequence?
2. Is there any way to introduce mutual recursion without also
introducing self-recursion on *all* of the bindings?

I would like self-recursion to be independent from mutual recursion.
It would be nice to be able to create several mutually recursive
bindings that are not individually self-recursive. I imagine the
syntax to accomplish this would require each binding to be opened with
"let" or "let rec" which would be totally reasonable.

    (* Three mutually recursive functions that are not self-recursive *)
    let rec thisOneIsSelfRecursive x = ... and
    let thisOneIsNotSelfRecursive y = ... and
    let rec thisOneIsAlsoSelfRecursive z = ...;

This becomes more desirable when one of the mutually recursive
bindings is a non-function value that you did not want to make
self-recursive by accident (which causes cycles).


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