The problem is that the repl package sets the grammar to "OCaml". I created a new grammar "OCaml Toplevel" ( which can be used by repl (

Op wo 31 aug. 2016 om 03:10 schreef Robert Muller <>:
Hello, I'm hoping some knowledgeable person can save me a few hours digging in coffeescript. I'm considering using the github's Atom editor with the ocaml-merlin package and with the REPL package. Following the way it works in Emacs, we'd like to have one buffer/pane for the source code and another for the REPL. The former should be in ocaml-merlin mode but the latter shouldn't --- we don't want merlin attempting to parse the various textual items (prompts, etc) that appear in the REPL pane.  But this is what seems to be the default behavior.
Anyone know of a simple fix? We can manually disable merlin but this is too much hassle.