On 10.4.2017 21:45, Hendrik Boom wrote:
It is also worth pointing out that gettext's update-po task gives
statistics about the translations: number of translated strings, number
of untranslated strings, number of "fuzzy" translations

Does GNU gettext have an xgettext OCaml back-end to do this extraction and automation? ...
I poked around in the source and the man page and didn't find one. (Most of the OCaml compiler being written in OCaml as opposed to C)

Tao Stein / 石涛 / تاو شتاين

On 11 April 2017 at 03:49, Dušan Kolář <kolar@fit.vut.cz> wrote:

On 10.4.2017 21:45, Hendrik Boom wrote:
On Mon, Apr 10, 2017 at 08:07:14PM +0200, Adrien Nader wrote:
Just think about the fact that some languages such as Polish have
several plurals (*) yet can be understood a bit by French speakers.
(*) hopefully I didn't get that one wrong :P
Don't know about Polish, but there are languages that disttinguish
singular (one thing), dual (two things) and plural (many things).

-- hendrik

And even worse :-)
In Czech, we distinguish one thing (singular), 2-4 things, and 5 and more things...


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