****************************************************************** CALL FOR PARTICIPATION Computer-Aided Verification, 29th International Conference CAV 2017 Heidelberg, Germany, 22-28 July 2017 http://www.cavconference.org/2017 ****************************************************************** TL;DR Early registration: June 14, 2017; Hotel booking deadlines: early June, 2017 We hope to welcome you at CAV -- we have an exciting program! -- ABOUT CAV -- CAV 2017 is the 29th in a series dedicated to the advancement of the theory and practice of computer-aided formal analysis methods for hardware and software systems. The conference covers the spectrum from theoretical results to concrete applications, with an emphasis on practical verification tools and the algorithms and techniques that are needed for their implementation. Along with the main conference, CAV will feature eight workshops (including a special workshop in honor of David Dill) and tutorials. Highlights: -- WORKSHOPS (22-23 July) -- VERIFICATION MENTORING WORKSHOP (23 July) -- SPECIAL WORKSHOP Dill@60 in Honor of David Dill (24 July) -- MAIN CONFERENCE (24-28 July) -- INVITED SPEAKERS -- * Chris Hawblitzel, Microsoft Research * Marta Kwiatkowska, Oxford * Viktor Vafeiadis, MPI-SWS * Winner of the CAV award (to be announced at the conference) -- INVITED TUTORIALS * Loris D’Antoni, University of Wisconsin-Madison: The power of symbolic automata and transducers * Mayur Naik, University of Pennsylvania: Maximum Satisfiability in Software Analysis: Applications and Techniques -- PUBLIC LECTURE ``Logic Lounge'' in memory of Helmut Veith * Fabiana Zollo: Social Dynamics in the Post-Truth Society: How the Confirmation Bias is Changing the Public Discourse -- CONTRIBUTED PAPERS -- See the list of accepted papers at the conference website. -- SATELLITE EVENTS (22-23 July) -- 7 satellite workshops will take place before CAV 2017. Check their calls for papers and consider contributing! • SYNT – Sixth Workshop on Synthesis (July 22) • DARS – Design and Analysis of Robust Systems (July 22) • NSV/Rise4CPS – Numerical Software Verification and Formal Methods for Rigorous Systems Engineering of Cyber-Physical Systems (July 22-23) • SMT – Satisfiability Modulo Theories (July 22-23) • VSTTE – Verified Software: Theories, Tools, and Experiment (July 22-23) • VMW – Verification Mentoring Workshop (July 23) • FEVER – Formal Approaches to Explainable VERification (July 23) -- REGISTRATION -- Early registration is until Wednesday, June 14, 2017 (AOE). http://cavconference.org/2017/registration/ -- VENUE -- Workshops will be organized at the Crowne Plaza hotel in Heidelberg City Center. The conference will be organized at the beautiful Heidelberg Stadthalle by the River Neckar. -- ACCOMMODATION -- The organizers have negotiated special rates from several hotels in Heidelberg. To benefit from those, follow the instructions on the conference website. The offers expire on different dates on or before the early registration deadline. Heidelberg is a busy tourist destination in July. It is important to book your hotel as soon as possible! -- HOST CITY -- Heidelberg is a picturesque city one the river Neckar at the heart of the 'Rhine-Neckar Triangle' in western Germany. It is renowned for its medieval castle, its old university (founded in 1386) and "Philosopher's Walk," and its historic old town. It is a cosmopolitan and vibrant college town with a rich academic and cultural tradition (including a 16th century Student Jail for mischievous students :-o). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heidelberg July is warm and sunny for the most part. It is also high tourist season. -- ORGANIZERS -- We hope to welcome you to CAV 2017! Viktor Kuncak (EPFL) Rupak Majumdar (MPI-SWS)