I've started learning ocaml and TK at the same time, just to make things fun ;)

I'm using labltk, initially via my OS package (fedora). I've built a plausible GUI to play around with so far, but then I noticed that there was no support for the progressbar widget [1], so I thought I'd see if I could add it.


After fumbling through the labltk sources and getting ocamlbuild to use my local version, I got something that compiles and runs. Unfortunately, when creating a progressbar I get:
> Fatal error: exception Protocol.TkError("invalid command name "progressbar"")

Looking closer at [1], the progressbar is actually part of ttk (tiled tk), not regular tk. I'm assuming this is why it can't be found as a toplevel command.

The main source code for labltk (widgets.src) is fairly abstract, and doesn't present any obvious control over namespacing. It also doesn't look like there are any other ttk bindings in there, so I've got nothing to base it off.

Does anyone know if it's possible to add ttk widgets to labltk? Is there a library other than labltk that I should be using for ttk?

Also, is there somewhere more specific I should ask / send patches? Or is labltk just part of ocaml core in terms of how the project is managed?

 - Tim Cuthbertson.