Norton is a notorious piece of malware and has little to do on a student machine.

On Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 9:52 AM, Jonathan Protzenko <> wrote:

On Tue 15 Nov 2011 10:43:39 AM CET, Andrej Bauer wrote:
I would like to report on a recent experience of a student of mine who
is starting to learn Ocaml. His first taks was to get Ocaml installed
on his Windows 7. The student previously had no trouble installing
Java, Eclipse, erlang, and an erlang plugin for Eclipse.

1. He tried to install with the binary installer for Windows. Norton
Antivirus told him the installer has too low a reputation and deleted
So that looks like the major pain point. Any advice on how to make sure the installer is Norton-compliant?

2. He installed the source, which meant he just unpacked it someplace.
3. He installed one of the Ocaml plugins for Eclipse, I think it was
the fpeclipse one.
4. The plugin complained that it can't find Ocaml, even though he told
it where he unpacked the source.

Then I came in. I realized he just unpacked the source, asked him if
he tried the binary installer, and he told me the antivirus story. So
we went on:

5. We deleted the source.
6. We installed Mingw.
7. We disabled Norton Antivirus and installed Ocaml with the binary installer.
8. Eclipse stopped working.
9. I diagoned the problem relatively quickly: the Ocaml installer or
maybe MinGW destroyed the PATH environment variable.
10. We spent some time restoring PATH to a correct value.
I've had reports about that, I'm going to build a new version of the installer that hopefully doesn't have this issue. Was the PATH really long?


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