Hi Christoph,

You are right, but that is because std_exit.cmx does not get linked by default when using -output-obj, so
in fact you need to add it by hand:

  ocamlfind opt -package ANSITerminal -linkpkg -verbose -output-obj -o test.object.o test.ml std_exit.ml


On Fri, Feb 3, 2017 at 11:15 AM, Christoph Höger <christoph.hoeger@celeraone.com> wrote:
That sounded totally reasonable, but is not the cause. When I think about it, it cannot work that way, since the linker should have complained about a missing symbol, right?

On Fri, Feb 3, 2017 at 10:16 AM, Nicolás Ojeda Bär <nicolas.ojeda.bar@lexifi.com> wrote:
Hi Christoph,

I can't check now, but it sounds like you forgot to link $(ocamlc -where)/std_exit.o into your executable.


On Fri, Feb 3, 2017 at 9:56 AM, Christoph Höger <christoph.hoeger@celeraone.com> wrote:
Dear all,

I managed to manually link and run an object file generated by ocamlopt. A small part seems to be missing, however:

➜  llvmlink ocamlfind opt -package ANSITerminal -linkpkg -verbose -output-obj -o test.object.o test.ml

➜  llvmlink clang -I$(ocamlc -where) -lm wrapper.c test.object.o -o wrapper ~/.opam/4.04.0/lib/ocaml/libunix.a -ldl ~/.opam/4.04.0/lib/ocaml/libasmrun.a /home/choeger/.opam/4.04.0/lib/ANSITerminal/libANSITerminal_stubs.a

These commands produce an executable output, but the screen remains empty. This changes, when I manually flush the stdout buffer in the code (I obtain the desired results then).

Find attached the test sources. When I uncomment the Printf.printf in test.ml, everything seems to work fine. But when I compile the test using ocamlopt solely, this is not necessary. It seems some buffers do not get flushed here. Does anyone know, why?

