Dear Bob,

Your present directory structure is just fine. A single `dune` file at `src/dune` with the contents

     (name compile)
     (public_name translate))

should be enough. Here I am assuming that all modules in `src/` are part of the compiler. If this is not the case you need to specify the modules you want to include as follows:

     (name compile)
     (public_name translate)
     (modules compile ast symbol ...))

Note: if you have a file `parser.mly` in your project that needs to be processed with `ocamlyacc` then you need to declare this in its own stanza:

    (ocamlyacc parser)

Similarly an `ocamllex` file `lexer.mll` needs to be declared with

    (ocamllex lexer)

Finally, you need to make sure there is a `<foo>.opam` file at the root of your project. This file can be be empty if you do not actually use `opam` but the name `foo` is used by `dune` to identify the "package" your executable belongs to. Once these files are in place, you can build your project with

    dune build

Best wishes,

On Sun, 13 Jan 2019 at 14:31, Robert Muller <> wrote:
Greetings. I have a toy compiler made up of ~20 modules:

ast.mli symbol.mli ... 

and a top-level in These sources are compiled and linked using a Makefile which invokes ocamlc. I'll call the resulting compiler "translate".

At present I have *all* of these files resident in a single src/ directory. I'm considering converting the build to dune for the semester. What would the recommended directory structure be and what would the dune file(s?) and stanzas look like? I assume this is in the middle of dune's wheelhouse but I wasn't able to find anything on it in the examples or documents. I assume/hope I don't have to put the modules in a library.
Thank you,
Bob Muller