
It seems that what you are looking for is defining custom tags (http://caml.inria.fr/pub/docs/manual-ocaml-400/manual029.html#s:ocamldoc-custom-tags). Defining a generator to handle those tags is also explained in the documentation.



On Wed, Nov 26, 2014 at 10:20 PM, Kenichi Asai <asai@is.ocha.ac.jp> wrote:
Dear all,

> One of my students is porting the universe teachpack of Racket into
> OCaml, which enables easy game programming similarly to Racket.
> I am now encouraging her to make the library public...

One of the issues in making the library public is that the ocamldoc
comments in mli files are written in Japanese.  (This is important for
my Japanese students.)  What is a good way to provide ocamldoc
comments in multiple languages?  I can only think of having many mli
files for each language, like:

foo.mli.ja      for Japanese
foo.mli.en      for English

and make foo.mli as a link to one of them.  But ideally, I want to
keep only one mli file with multiple comments and choose one of them
depending on which language's document I want to create.

Thank you in advance.


Kenichi Asai

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