Hello Kenneth,

Yes, I agree Binary Stirring system can eliminate symbolization false positive as well. Actually I believe 
many research work, and  tools (DynInst, for instance) have implemented this a so-called "replica-based" 
binary instrumentation framework. This is a quite robust way to instrument binary code, although size expansion and 
performance penalty cannot be ignored in the instrumentation outputs.  

However, I found those solutions are all quite complex, and difficult to understand. And it might not be inaccurate 
to assume "aggressive" instrumentation methods can break the functionality due to the limitation of design, 
or challenges in bug-less implementation. I even found that some the-state-of-the-art binary instrumentation tools 
cannot preserve the correct functionality when employing them to instrument some SPEC2006 test cases. 

I personally would like to find some cleaner solutions, which can introduce very little overhead in terms of binary 
size and execution. Besides, some research work reveals that binary security applications built on top of previous 
instrumentation framework do leave certain exploitable vulnerabilities due to the design limitations. 


On Sun, Oct 25, 2015 at 3:25 PM, Kenneth Adam Miller <kennethadammiller@gmail.com> wrote:
Replied inline

On Sun, Oct 25, 2015 at 3:04 PM, Shuai Wang <wangshuai901@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello Kenneth,

Sorry for the late reply. I have several deadlines during this weekend. 

To answer your question, our current approach cannot ensure 100% "reposition" correct. 
The most challenging part is to identify code pointers in global data sections, as we discussed 
in our paper, it is quite difficult to handle even with some static analysis techniques 
(type inference, for instance). We do have some false positive, as shown in the appendix of our paper [1]. 
We will research more to eliminate the false positive. 

I believe it is doable to present a sound solution. It indeed requires some additional
trampolines inserted in the binary code. You may refer to this paper for some enlightens [2]. 
As for the disassembling challenges, we directly adopt a disassembly approach proposed 
by an excellent work [3]. You can check out their evaluation section, and find that their approach 
can correctly disassemble large-size applications without any error. My experience is that Linux ELF 
binaries are indeed easier to disassemble, and typical compilers (gcc; icc; llvm) would not 
insert data into code sections (the embedded data can trouble linear disassembler a lot). 

I remember reading about [3] when it came out. That was a year after the original REINS system came out that proposed re-writing binaries, along with it's companion STIR. Shingled disassembly originated with Wartell et al.'s seminal Distinguishing Code and Data PhD thesis. I'm currently working on the integration of a sheering and PFSM enhanced Shingled Disassembler into BAP. But if you've already implemented something like that, what would be really valuable is if you were to review my shingled disassembler implementation and I review yours that way we have some cross review feedback.

Regarding the need for 100% accuracy, in the REINS and STIR papers, the approach taken is to obtain very very high classification accuracy, but in the case that correctness cannot be established, to simply retain each interpretation of a byte sequence, so you are still correct in the instance that it's code by treating it as such. Then, a companion technique is introduced wherein the code section is retained in order that should such a data reference in code instance occur and interpretation was incorrect, such reference can read and write into the kept section. But if it's code, it has been rewritten in the new section. Then it should remain correct in any scenario.
However, if I am asked to work on PE binaries, then I will probably start from IDA-Pro. 
We consider the disassembling challenge is orthogonal to our research. 

It is good to have good interoperabiblity with IDA as a guided disassembler and the actual new research tools. One of the most valuable things I can think of is to write some plugin that will mechanize data extraction as needed in order to accelerate manual intervention with the newer tools, such as in the case of training.

IMHO, our research reveals the (important) fact that even though theoretically relocation issue 
is hard to solve with 100% accuracy, it might not be as troublesome as it was assumed by previous work.
Simple solutions can achieve good results. 

Agreed; there are failback stratagems.

I hope it answers your questions, otherwise, please let me know :) 


[1] Shuai Wang, Pei Wang, Dinghao Wu, Reassembleable Disassembling.
[2] Zhui Deng, Xiangyu Zhang, Dongyan Xu, BISTRO: Binary Component Extraction and Embedding for Software Security Applications
[3] Mingwei Zhang, Sekar, R, Control Flow Integrity for COTS Binaries.

There's a good utility for working with white papers and interacting with colleagues; mendeley.

On Fri, Oct 23, 2015 at 6:31 PM, Kenneth Adam Miller <kennethadammiller@gmail.com> wrote:
Well it's interesting that you've gone with a binary recompilation approach. How do you ensure that, statically, for any given edit, you reposition all the jump targets correctly? How do you deal with the difficulty of disassembly reducing to the halting problem?

On Fri, Oct 23, 2015 at 4:59 PM, Shuai Wang <wangshuai901@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi guys,

I am glad that you are interested in our work!! 

Actually this project starts over 1.5 years ago, and I believe at that time, BAP (version 0.7 I believe?) is still a research prototype..

I choose to implement from the stretch is because I want to have a nice tool for my own research projects, also I can have an opportunity
to learn OCaml... :)

Yes, I definitely would like to unite our efforts!! 


On Fri, Oct 23, 2015 at 1:30 PM, Ivan Gotovchits <ivg@ieee.org> wrote:
Hi Shuai,

Nice work! But I'm curious, why didn't you use [bap][1] as a disassembler? 

Do you know, that we have a low-level interface to disassembling, like [linear_sweep][2] or even
lower [Disasm_expert.Basic][3] interface, that can disassemble on instruction level granularity.

It will be very interesting, if we can unite our efforts.

Best wishes,
Ivan Gotovchits

On Fri, Oct 23, 2015 at 1:05 PM, Shuai Wang <wangshuai901@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear List,

I’m glad to announce the first release of Uroboros:  an infrastructure for reassembleable disassembling and transformation.

You can find the code here: https://github.com/s3team/uroboros 
You can find our research paper which describes the core technique implemented in Uroboros here: 

We will provide a project home page, as well as more detailed documents in the near future.  Issues and pull requests welcomed.

Happy hacking!
