That looks great thanks, I'll look into it !


On Wed, Nov 6, 2013 at 2:10 PM, Gerd Stolpmann <> wrote:
Am Dienstag, den 05.11.2013, 18:07 +0100 schrieb Jean Krivine:
> Dear all
> I am developing a graph rewriting algorithm which operates on large
> graphs. Because of the large data structure the GC becomes quite
> inefficient for two reasons that I am inferring:
> 1/ there is no correlation between the time of allocation of an object
> and its likelihood to be garbage collected.
> 2/ even when there is nothing to collect, I guess that the GC is still
> inspecting the heap.
> Point 1 is inducing some memory leak and point 2 is just inefficient.
> I think I took care of point 1 by using my own allocation heap (so
> there is nothing to collect for the GC). But to take care of point 2 I
> guess I need to tell the GC that my heap (an extensible array) should
> not be inspected.
> As far as I understand there is a module Ancient which I can use to
> tell the GC to ignore my array but, if I understand well, it would
> only work if I use my array in a read only fashion.
> I also thought I could use Bigarray, but it seems it can only be used
> for basic array types.
> To summarize my question: is there a (reasonable) way to implement an
> 'a array out of the ocaml heap ?

Yes, but it's cumbersome. I did that for the Netmulticore library of

Here are the basics: You can have a pointer from the normal heap to
other memory, and the GC will not follow it. You cannot have pointers
the other way round, because the GC may move in-heap memory, and there
is no mechanism to update such inverse pointers.

In Ocamlnet you find the required support functions in This functionality shares the same basic ideas of Ancient, but is more complete, and especially supports read-write modifications of out-of-heap values in a reasonable way. Out-of-heap memory is here encapsulated as bigarrays. With Netsys_mem.init_array you can initialize bigarrays so their contents can be interpreted as Ocaml array. With Netsys_mem.init_value you can copy arbitrary values to bigarrays (i.e. for initializing/setting the elements of the array). Netsys_mem.as_value returns the pointer to the structure in the bigarray as "normal" OCaml value pointer.


type elem = { n : int }
type arr = elem array

let mem_size = 100000
let arr_size = 10
let mem =
  Bigarray.Array1.create Bigarray.char Bigarray.c_layout mem_size
let (offs,blen) =
  Netsys_mem.init_array mem 0 arr_size
let arr_ooh =
  Netsys_mem.as_value mem offs

Now arr_ooh contains invalid pointers (which doesn't matter for the
moment because the GC will not inspect them). Here is how to set all
elements to some contents:

let next = ref blen
for k = 0 to arr_size-1 do
  let v = { n = 5*k } in   (* some random contents *)
  let (v_offs, v_blen) =
    Netsys_mem.init_value mem !next v [] in
  let v_ooh =
    Netsys_mem.as_value mem v_offs in
  arr_ooh.(k) <- v_ooh;      (* out-of-heap assignment, see below *)
  next := !next + v_blen

Of course, you need to do your own memory-management here (there are
higher-level functions in Ocamlnet for that, see the Netmulticore

So finally you get an initialized out-of-heap array arr_ooh residing
within the bigarray.

The assignment arr_ooh.(k) <- v_ooh needs some further discussion. Until
OCaml-4.00.1 this was fully supported by the OCaml runtime. OCaml-4.01.0
includes a change that disallows to modify out-of-heap memory with
normal OCaml assignment operators. Ocamlnet contains a workaround (which
works by overriding the changed caml_initialize and caml_modify
functions with their old definitions), and it is automatically enabled
if you add -package netmulticore at link time. The workaround is
incompatible with non-custom bytecode links, though.


> Thanks!
> JK

Gerd Stolpmann, Darmstadt, Germany
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