I'm happy to announce the release of js_of_ocaml 2.8 & 2.8.1. They are already available via OPAM. Js_of_ocaml is a compiler from OCaml bytecode to JavaScript. It makes it possible to run pure OCaml programs in JavaScript environment like browsers and Node.js. Here are some notable changes: Support for OCaml 4.03 ----------------------------- Async_kernel (and Core_kernel) support -------------------------------------------------- In the findlib package js_of_ocaml.async. Note that it is only available with a 32bit OCaml compiler. Dynlink and separate compilation ---------------------------------------- One can now compile OCaml module (.cmo) and OCaml library (.cma) to JavaScirpt. Loading theses JavaScript files is enough to dynlink them. Improved JavaScript code generation ---------------------------------------------- * preserve as much as possible OCaml variable names (in pretty mode) * Better source map support * Drastically reduce memory usage when assigning short variable names The full change log is available on github Happy hacking