Scratch that, had the wrong code in the file.

Another way to get around all this is to use ocaml-d3:

This will give you a nice (and type-safe) API to make data-driven interfaces, D3.s setups up all the basic xml namespaces for you so you don't have to fight with that.

On Sat, Jan 2, 2016 at 3:53 PM, Spiros Eliopoulos <> wrote:
Inserting a cast solves the type error:

$ echo > <<EOF
let svg = Dom_svg.createSvg (Dom_html.window##document :> Dom_svg.document)
> EOF 
$ ocamlfind ocamlc -syntax camlp4o -package "js_of_ocaml js_of_ocaml.syntax" -c
$ echo $?