Call for papers: Special Issue on *Ontology and Linked Data Matching* The Semantic Web is growing in terms of both the amount and diversity of data being published, yet leveraging this trove of information in a cohesive way remains challenging. Ontology and Linked Data matching are critical to achieving interoperability among resources on the Semantic Web. Matching systems seek to create alignments between datasets that establish correspondences between semantically related entities belonging to the different datasets. Over the last decade, matching systems have made great strides in finding equivalence relations between classes and instances, and real-world applications making use of these capabilities have begun to appear. Nevertheless, challenges stemming from the size, complexity, and variety of relationships among resources on the Semantic Web today require further technical and theoretical innovation. We welcome original papers that address the following areas: - Large-scale matching - Complex matching (e.g. non-equivalence relations, expressive alignment languages, etc.) - Real-world applications - Interactive matching - Social and collaborative matching - Matching with background knowledge - Alignment repair and reasoning - Self-configuring matching systems - Alignment evaluation and benchmarks - Ontology design pattern-driven matching *Submissions* *September 30, 2014* - Paper submission deadline Submissions shall be made through the Semantic Web journal website at Prospective authors must take notice of the submission guidelines posted at Note that you need to request an account on the website for submitting a paper. Please indicate in the cover letter that it is for the *Ontology and Linked Data Matching* special issue. Submissions are possible in all standing paper type of the journal, see for descriptions: full research papers, surveys, linked dataset descriptions, ontology descriptions, application reports, tool/systems reports. *Guest editors* Michelle Cheatham, Wright State University ( Isabel F. Cruz, University of Illinois at Chicago ( Jérôme Euzenat, INRIA & University of Grenoble ( Catia Pesquita, University of Lisbon ( ) The editors can be reached by emailing Catia Pesquita at *Guest Editorial Board* to be announced