With apologies for multiple copies. If you are a researcher from another field, we would particularly like to draw your attention to the multidisciplinary track: Call for Papers CP 2012 Eighteenth International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming October 8-12, 2012 Quebec City, Canada Deadline for abstract submission: April 19, 2012 Deadline for Paper Submissions: April 23, 2012 http://www.cp2012.org/ -------- SCOPE -------- The CP conference is the annual international conference on constraint programming. It is concerned with all aspects of computing with constraints, including theory, algorithms, environments, languages, models, systems, and applications such as decision making, resource allocation, and agreement technologies. CP 2012 includes a technical program, where presentations of research papers as well as invited talks aim at describing the best results and techniques in the state-of-the-art of constraint programming. One day of Workshops precedes the conference. Tutorials and the Doctoral Program will form part of the main conference. Papers are solicited from all disciplines concerned with constraints. ------------------ APPLICATION TRACK ------------------ Reports on successful applications of constraint technology are particularly encouraged and are subject to special Applications track acceptance criteria. ------------------------ MULTIDISCIPLINARY TRACK ------------------------ Beside the application track, this year, for the first time a track on "Multidisciplinary papers: cross-cutting methodology and challenging applications" welcomes papers that link CP technology with other techniques like (this is not an exhaustive list) machine learning, data mining, game theory, simulation, knowledge compilation, visualization, control theory and robotics. In addition challenging application fields with a high social impact are especially welcome: some examples (not an exhaustive list) are CP for life sciences, CP for sustainability, CP for energy efficiency, CP for the web, CP for social sciences, CP for finance, CP for verification. ------------------------ CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS ------------------------ The conference proceedings will be published by Springer Verlag in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. Full paper submissions are limited to 15 LNCS pages (+ references), while Short paper submissions are limited to 8 pages (+ references). Short papers will be reviewed to the same standards of quality as full papers, but will naturally contain less quantity of new material. Short papers will have the same status as long papers and be eligible for the best paper prize. ------------------------------------ POST-CONFERENCE JOURNAL PUBLICATION ------------------------------------ Selected papers submitted to the main conference and application track which receive excellent reviews from the referees will be invited to submit a revised paper for fast track review in the Constraints journal. Selected papers submitted to the Multidisciplinary track, which receive excellent reviews from the referees, and which fit the scope of the Artificial Intelligence journal, will be invited to submit a revised paper for fast track review in the AI journal. Further information is provided on the conference webpage. ----------------- IMPORTANT DATES ----------------- Deadline for abstract submission: April 19, 2012 Deadline for Paper Submissions: April 23, 2012 Provisional Reviews to authors: May 25, 2012 Authors feedback due: May 27, 2012 Notification of Acceptance: June 3, 2012 Camera Ready Manuscript due: July 1, 2012 -------------- ORGANIZATION -------------- CONFERENCE CHAIRS Gilles Pesant Claude-Guy Quimper PROGRAM CHAIR Michela Milano DOCTORAL PROGRAM CHAIRS Michele Lombardi Stanislav Zivny WORKSHOP CHAIR Meinolf Sellmann PUBLICITY CHAIRS Ian Miguel Thierry Moisan SPONSORSHIP CHAIR Louis-Martin Rousseau SENIOR PROGRAM COMMITTEE Christian Bessiere David Cohen Amnon Meisels Pierre Flener Alan Frisch Enrico Giunchiglia Carla Gomes John Hooker Laurent Michel Jean-Charles Regin Thomas Schiex Peter Stuckey Pascal Van Hentenryck Mark Wallace Toby Walsh MULTI-DISCIPLINARY TRACK CHAIR Barry O'Sullivan APPLICATION TRACK CHAIR Helmut Simonis _______________________ INSTRUCTION FOR AUTHORS _______________________ http://www.cp2012.org/submission.php