Well, in the end they installed OPAM and everything went fine, but before that they tried removing the packages and then reinstalling. I guess there was some leftover cmi that was not deleted properly, but without access to the machine I can't do a proper check.


Il giorno mer 24 giu 2015 alle ore 11:27 Stéphane Glondu <steph@glondu.net> ha scritto:
Le 23/06/2015 17:21, Vincenzo Ciancia a écrit :
> I am using ubuntu and happily working in OCaml since decades. A
> colleague of mine (I can't access the machine directly) is trying to
> compile a program on osx; they used macports to install ocaml,
> ocamlgraph and ocamlcsv two days ago. Now what happens is that some
> files are compiled correctly, but then here is an error which I don't
> know how to fix:
> Error: The files /opt/local/lib/ocaml/pervasives.cmi
>        and /opt/local/lib/ocaml/site-lib/csv/csv.cmi
>        make inconsistent assumptions over interface CamlinternalFormatBasics
> They already tried to rebuild all the packages depending on ocaml. Any
> advice?

Are you sure they reinstalled the packages after rebuilding them? It
looks like a rebuild (and installation) of csv is needed, here.

