Programming And Reasoning on Infinite Structures A workshop affiliated with FSCD@FLOC 2018 July 7&8, 2018 Oxford, UK Developing formal methods to program and reason about infinite data, whether inductive or coinductive, is challenging and subject to numerous recent research efforts. The understanding of the logical and computational principles underlying these notions is reaching a mature stage as illustrated by the numerous advances that have appeared in the recent years. Various examples of this can be viewed in recent works on co-patterns, infinite proof systems for logics with induction and coinduction, circular proofs, guarded recursive type theory, research effort on integrated coinduction in proof assistants, concrete semantics of coinductive computation, recent developments in infinitary rewriting, or the unveiling of the Curry-Howard correspondence between temporal logics and functional reactive programming, to name a few. The workshop aims at gathering researchers working on these topics as well as colleagues interested in understanding the recent results and open problems of this line of research: - For outsiders, the workshop will offer tutorial sessions and survey-like invited talks. - For specialists of the topic, the workshop will permit to gather people working with syntactical or semantical methods, people focusing on proof systems or programming languages, and foster exchanges and discussions benefiting from their various perspectives. We are seeking for short submissions (~3-4 pages long) presenting (i) new completed results (ii) work in progress, or (iii) advertising recently published results. The workshop is affiliated with FSCD 2018, as part of the Federated Logic Conference of 2018 and is funded by French ANR, RAPIDO project. ** Important dates and submission details: Submissions: April 15 Notification: May 15 Final abstract: May 25 Workshop: July 7 and 8 Submission page: Website: ** Program Committee: Andreas Abel (Gothenburg University) David Baelde (LSV, ENS Paris-Saclay & Inria Paris; co-chair) Amina Doumane (LIP, ENS Lyon) Martin Lange (University of Kassel) Rasmus Møgelberg (IT University of Copenhagen) Luke Ong (University of Oxford) Andrew Polonsky (Appalachian State University) Colin Riba (LIP, ENS Lyon) Alexis Saurin (IRIF, Université Paris Diderot; co-chair) Alex Simpson (University of Ljubljana) ** Invited speakers: A tutorial and two invited talks will be announced shortly. ** Topics: Suggested, but not exclusive, topics of interest for the workshop are: - Proof systems: proof system for logics with least and greatest fixed points, infinitary and cyclic/circular proof systems - Calculi: infinitary rewriting, infinitary λ-calculi, co-patterns - Type systems: infinitary type systems, guarded recursive type theory - Curry-Howard correspondence to linear temporal logic and functional reactive programming - Semantics: denotational and interactive semantics for infinite data and computations - Tools: extensions of programming languages and proof assistants to better treat infinite data, results on extending programming languages with primitives for manipulating infinite data such as streams in a more structured and convenient way, coinductive proof methods in proof assistants - Proof theory and verification: the workshop will welcome works demonstrating how proof-theoretical investigations can be applied to model-checking problems, e.g. as in recent studies of higher-order recursive schemes or infinitary proofs.