Hi, for this purpose, you can also add " '(indent-tabs-mode nil)" to your "custom-set-variables" in your .emacs file. This will put some spaces when you press TAB instead of a tabulation. Esther Baruk On Mon, Aug 29, 2011 at 5:48 PM, michel levy wrote: > ** > On 29/08/2011 17:12, michel levy wrote: > > I want to insert some Ocaml expressions in latex, but by cut/paste it's > impossible, because I lose > the identation. > Do you have a solution to insert Ocaml source in latex document ? > Do you know if someone has written a definition for using ocaml with the > listings package ? > > Thank you all, for your answers to my questions. > But for my limited needs, I have also seen that cut/paste was a solution, > if, in emacs, > you replace the tabs by spaces. For example, M-x untabify replaces in a > selected region the tabs by spaces. > >