Dear OCaml list,

Some of you might already have heard about the OCaml Website project started after its announcement at the last OCaml Meeting in April 2011.
There will be a page on the website where we list all companies using the OCaml language.
We listed almost all well known companies (see the list at the end of this mail), with a small description of the use of OCaml in the corresponding company.
We wish to enrich this list as much as possible.
So, if you know or work in a company using OCaml and that is not in this list, please tell us. And if you see some detailed descriptions that need to be updated, let us know.

We also welcome new contributors to the project. You can submit pull requests on Github ( and also suggest content to add, etc. We have a mailing list where you can subscribe:

Thank you for your help.

Esther Baruk

List (sorted by country and company name):