Dear all, Last week, we were three friends experimenting an "ocaml hackathon" : we met and we built a simple webservice where you can either post problems or try to solve them. It's now online at and the code is released at . It's an 100% ocsigen 2.0 website, leveraging the newest features of the framework (client/server interactions, message bus, etc ..) Although is still lacking a lot of features (syntax highlighting, client side code checking, solution ranking, etc etc), we hope that it can already provide at least as much fun as we got when we wrote it. Actually, it's already waiting for your challenges :) This website is also the seminal event of baoug, the Bay Area OCaml User Group. We plan to organize some ocaml events here; the next one will be another hackathon to improve on baoug (if we get some feedback from you all!); we're based in California but everyone is invited, as we can get remote contributions. So far we're three, Marc Simon, Mike Well an I (William Le Ferrand), but we'll grow up, hopefully. If you want to contribute to the platform or if you have some ideas for fresh features, please get in touch ! If you want to get more information about ocsigen and the way we leverage it, please don't hesitate either. What about posting a little challenge on now :) ? Happy hacking, Cheers William -- William Le Ferrand Mobile : (+1) (415) 683-1484 Web :