Just to be clear: does this need to work on Windows, or only on Unix-like systems?  If it only needs to work under Unix, then your problem sounds to me like a standard inter-process communication problem with the usual solutions being to use a combination of pipe(), dup2(), and select() system calls, and with the alternative solution being to use a pseudo-terminal.  Chapter 5 of "Unix System Programming in OCaml" https://ocaml.github.io/ocamlunix/pipes.html should give you some guidance on implementing the former solution.  If you want to use pseudo-terminals, I don't know of a freely-available tutorial-style reference off the top of my head.  "Advanced Programming in the Unix Environment" by late Richard Stevens has had a chapter dedicated to pseudo-terminals since the first edition of the book: perhaps your local library has a copy.  Failing that, you could read Linux man page for pty(7), and follow the links to forkpty and friends.  For example, you could start here: http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/pty.7.html.

The fact that you want to do all of this from Matlab is an extra challenge, but I don't think it's an insurmountable challenge.  Even if Matlab doesn't have the functions you need "out of the box", it is possible to extend Matlab with C code, so you could implement a C function to initialize the external process, and another function to send to the external process and receive results.  The following is probably a good starting point for learning how to extend Matlab with C/C++: https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/call-mex-files-1.html.  I don't know off the top of my head if Matlab already comes with sufficiently flexible functionality for communicating with an external process: you could try searching the documentation and/or engaging Mathworks technical support (assuming your license comes with technical support) and/or asking on Mathworks forums.

Best of luck

On Thu, Mar 23, 2017 at 5:37 AM, <paul.lachat@edu.univ-fcomte.fr> wrote:

I need to find a way to put Ocaml program in memory so I could interact with the program
(call function, get result, find information about the variables, ...) without always reading the file.

That what append when we use the directive #use "file.ml";; in the interactive shell (the toplevel, when you type the command ocaml in a shell).

The instruction need to come from a Matlab function. So, I was thinking to create a process who run the ocaml command,
redirect his standard input in a named pipe, redirect his standard output in another named pipe, so I could send instructions and received responses.

But when I send the first instruction (ex : #use "file.ml";;\n), the ocaml process send back the response and stop.


let x = 10;;


                   "#use "file.ml";;\n"
Matlab --   /tmp/pipe_in  -->   ocaml

                   "val x : int = 10"
Matlab <-- /tmp/pipe_out --    ocaml
                                                  then ocaml stop...


So I would like to know if you think it's a good solution and if it is, do someone know how could I make it work ?


I've tried another solution. I use Unix.fork() and launch, in the son process, the ocaml command then
I send instructions from the father process to the son process with anonym pipe (Unix.pipe()).

But here I have trouble with blocking read, I send an instruction, read the answer but even if I've read all char of the answer, it's wait to read
more but there is no more to read...

I have tried to use Unix.set_nonblock() and catch EAGAIN, but then I don't get anything at all in the buffer given to Unix.read().

If someone could help, I would be grateful !
Lachat Paul