Hi, On Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 8:02 AM, wrote: > Hello, > > I need to setup communication between two Ocaml processes on Windows. > I think that using the named pipe of Windows is the good method to do this > task. > > But I can't find any module for Ocaml who allow using the system call of > Windows. > > I have already find this module https://opam.ocaml.org/ > packages/named-pipe/, but it use C, > and I would like to avoid depending on another langage than Ocaml or > software like Cygwin. > Although I'm one of the authors of that particular library I now prefer to use this other library instead: https://github.com/fdopen/uwt https://opam.ocaml.org/packages/uwt/ where "Uwt.Pipe" is a Unix domain socket on Unix and a named pipe on Windows. I'm very happy with "uwt" -- it seems to be very stable and reliable, despite the relatively low version number. Personally I don't want my final executables to depend on the cygwin.dll but I don't mind if my development environment uses cygwin for the Unix utilities like "make", "vi" etc. I usually install OCaml one Windows using this installer: http://fdopen.github.io/opam-repository-mingw/installation/ -- this installs everything you need (including Cygwin). I then `opam install` my dependencies and `make`, like I can on Unix. My resulting .exe files are independent of cygwin.dll and I ship them as-is. Hope this helps a little, Dave > > Does anybody know a way to use named pipe of Windows in Ocaml ? > > Thank you in advance for your answer ! > > Ps : Sorry if it's the wrong mailing list to ask, it's the first time I > use one. > -- Dave Scott