Thanks. I'm not sure I understand the difference between the two though. Is there an example showing when they produce different results?

On Sun, Mar 27, 2016 at 6:12 PM, Jacques Garrigue <> wrote:
On 2016/03/28 03:52, Gregory Malecha wrote:
> Thanks, Leo --
> This is exactly what I needed to know. I thought that the (type a) annotation was forcing the function to be polymorphic. For future reference, is there any way to write the annotation (that forces the function to be polymorphic) without having to write explicit ‘fun's?

You should either write

  let generic_search_stream : ‘b. int option -> (internal_result, ‘b) result_stream = …


  let generic_search_stream : type b. int option -> (internal_result, b) result_stream = …

where the latter one both requires polymorphism and defines a locally abstract type,
i.e. probably the behavior you expect with (type b).


gregory malecha