On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 11:34 AM, Gerd Stolpmann wrote: > But the users had all freedom, including doing releases completely on > their own (no pull request bureaucracy). The nice thing about a Git-based solution is that you can just build your own fork if you want. So you don't have to wait on PRs to fall through, thought it is certainly better for integration in the longer run to merge and converge on a single repository. The key thing is that submitting a PR is actually hard work for the contributor, but easy work for the integrator. The idea is to make the work of the integrator easy since he/she is the bottleneck. I think the central part here is that managing package repositories is *hard work*. There is a lot of things happening all the time and ensuring dependency convergence among packages can also be pretty nasty if the dependency chains grow deep. Yes, you can install multiple versions of packages, but that does not avoid a common diamond problem of convergence. Personally, I think the pragmatic action is to rally on one packaging system. Ocaml is way way too small a community to do otherwise. Said packaging system may be good or bad, but that is less important. You may also be a victim of an unfair PR-campaign, but really, such is life in communities. Technical merit is only part of the whole. -- J.