On Tue, Mar 29, 2016 at 6:01 PM, Laurent Mazare <laurent.mazare@gmail.com> wrote:
We've started putting together some TensorFlow bindings for OCaml.

Excellent news!

I've built most of an Erlang/OCaml layer so you can run OCaml programs as computation engines as were they Erlang port programs. Most base-types have been verified through QuickCheck, though I still need to improve the code a bit with some refactoring.

If you pipeline messages, the processing roundtrip is around 1.2 million requests per second on my machine, which is quite fine in most cases. The overhead of sending the request to OCaml is around 1000 nanos. And this is without optimization I might add. The overhead is about the same if you move the computation to a dirty scheduler inside the Erlang node, so if you can work with the pipelining overhead, it is not too shabby. Of course the number is worse if you actually do some computation on the OCaml side, but that is the purpose of it all. At 1000 nanos or less, the feasibility of computing in OCaml just went up.

Tensorflow in OCaml was next on my TODO list for these kinds of things, but I would much rather use these bindings than writing my own :)
