I'm new to OCaml and trying to get started by getting ocaml-top installed.

I really want to use 4.03.0 because I really want to have all my experience with OCaml be with multicore OCaml (I had a list of criteria that I was looking for in my next language, and OCaml was almost perfect until multicore support came along - when it came along, that made it perfect and worth overcoming the inertia of trying to switch from my current language of daily use).

Unfortunately, ocaml-top has ocp-indent as a dependency, and when I try to install ocp-indent, I get the following error. If this is due to a known issue, let me know and I'll wait for a fix. If this is due to some issue with my build environment, please direct me to appropriate resources for figuring out how to remedy this problem.

Furthermore, if there are good resources or tips for helping to determine when a problem is a build environment issue as opposed to an issue with an existing package that just needs to be updated, please let me know what they are.


#=== ERROR while installing ocp-index.1.1.4 ===================================#
# opam-version 1.2.2
# os           darwin
# command      make
# path         /Users/chenan/.opam/4.03.0/build/ocp-index.1.1.4
# compiler     4.03.0
# exit-code    2
# env-file     /Users/chenan/.opam/4.03.0/build/ocp-index.1.1.4/ocp-index-13029-a00279.env
# stdout-file  /Users/chenan/.opam/4.03.0/build/ocp-index.1.1.4/ocp-index-13029-a00279.out
# stderr-file  /Users/chenan/.opam/4.03.0/build/ocp-index.1.1.4/ocp-index-13029-a00279.err
### stdout ###
# ocp-build -init
# ocp-build ocp-index-lib
### stderr ###
# [...]
# [33.1] '/Users/chenan/.opam/4.03.0/bin/ocamlc.opt' '-g' '-w' '+1..39-4-9-37-40' '-safe-string' '-bin-annot' '-c' '-o' '_obuild/7ee5d0cd3cfec6c5ba81000630d4c060/indexOut.cmo' '-I' './_obuild/ocp-index-lib' '-I' './src' '-I' '/Users/chenan/.opam/4.03.0/lib/ocp-indent/utils' '-I' '/Users/chenan/.opam/4.03.0/lib/ocaml/compiler-libs' '-I' '/Users/chenan/.opam/4.03.0/lib/ocp-indent/lexer' 'src/indexOut.ml'
# File "src/indexOut.ml", line 184, characters 17-25:
# Error: This pattern matches values of type 'a * 'b * 'c
#        but a pattern was expected which matches values of type
#          Outcometree.out_val_decl
# Error:
# Target _obuild/ocp-index-lib/indexOut.cmo not built
# make: *** [ocp-index-lib] Error 2