Hi everyone, I'm having some trouble getting some code that relies heavily on applicative functors to type check. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong with this? module type S = sig module T : Set.OrderedType module ST : module type of Set.Make(T) end module Make(T_in : Set.OrderedType) : S (* <- ERROR *) with module T = T_in and module ST = Set.Make(T_in) = struct module T = T_in module ST = Set.Make(T_in) end I get the following error message referencing the above point in the program. Error: In this `with' constraint, the new definition of ST does not match its original definition in the constrained signature: ... Type declarations do not match: type t = Set.Make(T_in).t is not included in type t = Set.Make(T).t File "set.mli", line 68, characters 4-10: Expected declaration File "set.mli", line 68, characters 4-10: Actual declaration It seems to me that since T = T_in, but applicative functors should make the type of Set.Make(T) = Set.Make(T_in). Does this not work this way? Note that if I change the definition of S slightly, the same definition of Make now type checks: module type S = sig module T : Set.OrderedType module ST : Set.S with type elt = T.t end This solution is undesirable because I have a number of modules whose types would require an excessive number of "with module ... = ..." constraints to constrain in this way. Is there a better way of getting this to type check? Thank you, Arlen -- Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management and archives: https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs