*** I announced this to the list through google groups a few days ago but I don't think it worked properly so hopefully this time ... *** https://github.com/andrewray/iocaml IOCaml is an OCaml kernel for the IPython notebook ( http://ipython.org/notebook.html). This provides a REPL within a web browser with a nice user interface including markdown based comments/documentation, mathjax formula and the possibility of generating all manner of HTML based output media from your code. Here are a few features I think are particularly interesting; * Uses ocp-index.lib to provide code completion and types (includes documentation if .cmt files exist). Only works with installed libraries at the moment. Very new, a wee bit buggy, but I love it. * I copy/pasted the OCaml core language documentation page into a notebook. Now you can learn interactively! [1] * Play with TyXML in the notebook and render typed HTML interactively. Installation is reasonably painless through opam, though you currently need to add my remote repository [2] and require a >=4.00.1 compiler. Installation of IPython is a touch more involved as you will have to update (using 'pip') some python components [3]. Instructions for Ubuntu 13.10 are on the github page and I have also tested Fedora 20 which was, apart from some slightly different package names, very similar. Cheers, Andy [1] I am not sure if, according to the license terms, I should be providing this. The documentation has not been changed in any way apart from one inserted paragraph at the start explaining the difference between a normal toplevel and the notebook interface. I hope it's OK to provide this. [2] I'd love to push this to opam proper but require ocaml-zmq >=3.2. There was a recent discussion on the list about this (indeed reading about ZeroMQ led me to IPython) so hopefully this will happen before too long. [3] I haven't tested this release with 0.13.2 which the distros provide. Maybe it works anyway.