Ly, The algorithm for the transitive closure is fine. It's a typical Floyd-Warshall algorithm // Make a random graph let makegraph = fun n -> Array.init n (fun _ -> Array.init n (fun _ -> // Compute transitive closure (in place) let transitiveClosure = fun matrix -> let n = Array.length matrix in for k = 0 to n - 1 do for i = 0 to n - 1 do for j = 0 to n - 1 do matrix.(i).(j) <- max matrix.(i).(j) (min matrix.(i).(k) matrix.(k).(j)) done; done; done I guess that by "equivalence class" you mean strongly connected components. There are linear algorithm (Tarjan, Gabow) that are variants of DFS (depht first search) with bookkeeping You can compute the strongly connected components directly on the transitive closure. Notice you don't need to transpose it explicitely