Jon, I was told my explanations weren't very clear so here it goes with more details, a much simpler example and explicit links A dynamic graph algorithm is a classical graph algorithm (say all-pairs shortest path) that is able to update the result when there is a small modification of the input without computing everything from scratch. Typical usage are large networks, for instance adding a fiber optic cable in a suburb of Paris won't change the shortest path between New York and San Francisco, therefore computing everything from scratch again is unnecessary. There are 2 ways of achieving that result - recomputation : pretty much like backtracking debuggers in functional languages, they "save" a previous state and re-execute the computation tree/DAG from there - dedicated algorithm that "fix" the result in place : STOC / FOCS like algorithms Lets take a very simple example fun f a b c -> f a + f b + f c The computation tree is something like evaluate f a evaluate f b evaluate f c evaluate f a + f b + f c if now there is a small change in a, say a -> 'a the backtracking algorithms will do the following evaluate f 'a read f b from memory read f c from memory evaluate f 'a + f b + f c the typical problems to solve are similar to backtracking debuggers in functional languages : efficiently save intermediate states, optimise fully reversible transformations, etc. Umut Acar with his self-adjusting ML is a typical representative of that kind of work as well as backtracking debuggers (Caml, SML) A dedicated algorithm instead will use the mathematical properties of the object being built to "fix in place" the result evaluate f a evaluate f 'a evaluate delta = f 'a - f a read f a + f b + f c from the result evaluate f a + f b + f c + delta Notice this algorithm doesn't require the first algorithm to memoize any intermediate computation David Eppstein and other American algorithmicians are typical representatives of this line of work Diego Olivier