Dear group, I have an question about data structure and types. I have a function calculates transitive closure of relation represented as an adjacency matrix let trans_closure (m: 'a array array) : 'a array array = let last_cols = length m - 1 in for k = 0 to last_cols do for i = 0 to last_cols do for j = 0 to last_cols do m.(i).(j) <- m.(i).(j) || (m.(i).(k) && m.(k).(j)) done; done; done; m ;; (* transpose matrix A is the matrix A' formed by turning rows into columns and vice versa: (A')i,j = Aj,i.*) let transpose (m: 'a array array) : 'a array array = let tc = trans_closure m in let last_cols = length m - 1 in for i = 0 to last_cols do for j = 0 to last_cols do tc.(j).(i) <- tc.(i).(j) done; done; tc ;; I would like to compute equivalence classes, it is disjoint between matrix transitive closure and matrix transpose. I would like it returns for me a new list with the type: list of list [[]] I have a function convert 'a array array to 'a list list let to_list (m : 'a array array) : 'a list list = to_list (to_list m) let eq_class (m: 'a array array) : 'a list list = let lst = length m - 1 in for i = 0 to lst do for j = 0 to lst do let a = tc.(i).(j) && trans.(i).(j) in if a then ??? I'm stuck here, I don't know how I can add the result "a" into the new list of list. I think I should create a new list with type 'a list list, but I don't know where I should write it? Thank you for helping me understand and give me some advises. Best regards, Gwen