Dear friends OCamlers, in a meeting yesterday I had the occasion to listen to a talk by Frederic Boniol (search for his name in the proceedings below [1]), who went through some considerable gymnastics to add dimension checking to the Lustre programming language. This is work that was quite well pioneered some 20 years ago by Mitch Wand, Andrew Kennedy and Jean Goubault for our beloved ML paradigm, and you can still find on Bruno Blanchet's web page [2] a fully functional version of Caml-light extended to add dimensions, and you can play with it. More recently, you can find support for physical dimensions incorporated into F# [3]. Now the question that arose yesterday, and that we could not answer right away, is whether it is possible to encode such dymension checking in OCaml today using only the existing type-system features, so I am passing it over to the list :-) -- Roberto P.S.: yes, we know that you can somehow play tricks with phantom types to distinguish a meter from a foot, but checking dimensions is more tricky than that, consider the issue at stake when you multiply or divide quantities involving multiple dimensions (like computing an acceleration, or an energy). [1] [2] [3] ------------------------------------------------------------------ Professeur En delegation a l'INRIA PPS E-mail: Universite Paris Diderot WWW : Case 7014 Tel : ++33-(0)1-57 27 92 20 5, Rue Thomas Mann F-75205 Paris Cedex 13 Identica: FRANCE. Twitter: ------------------------------------------------------------------ Attachments: MIME accepted, Word deprecated ------------------------------------------------------------------ Office location: Bureau 320 (3rd floor) Batiment Sophie Germain Avenue de France Metro Bibliotheque Francois Mitterrand, ligne 14/RER C ----------------------------------------------------------------- GPG fingerprint 2931 20CE 3A5A 5390 98EC 8BFC FCCA C3BE 39CB 12D3