I have another challenge for you. Without the redundant annotations (i.e. with only an annotation on let-rec) it type-checks nicely. I am providing more annotations as an option. >>> type _ term = | Lit : integer -> integer term | Plus : integer term * integer term -> integer term | IsZero : integer term -> boolean term | If : (*∀'a.*)boolean term * 'a term * 'a term -> 'a term | Pair : (*∀'a, 'b.*)'a term * 'b term -> (('a * 'b)) term | Fst : (*∀'a, 'b.*)(('a * 'b)) term -> 'a term | Snd : (*∀'a, 'b.*)(('a * 'b)) term -> 'b term and integer and boolean external plus : (integer -> integer -> integer) = "plus" external is_zero : (integer -> boolean) = "is_zero" external if_then : (boolean -> 'a -> 'a -> 'a) = "if_then" let rec eval : type a . (a term -> a) = ((function Lit i -> i | IsZero x -> is_zero (eval x) | Plus (x, y) -> plus (eval x) (eval y) | If (b, t, e) -> if_then (eval b) (eval t) (eval e) | Pair (x, y) -> (eval x, eval y) | Fst p -> let ((x, y): (a * 't47)) = eval p in x | Snd p -> let ((x, y): ('t59 * a)) = eval p in y): a term -> a) <<< We get at "eval p" to the right of "let ((x, y): (a * 't47))": Error: This expression has type a * b#0 but an expression was expected of type a * b#0 The type constructor b#0 would escape its scope