The annotation needs to be directly at the "function" node:

let rec walk : type a b . (a place -> b place -> (a, b) nearby) =
  (fun x goal ->
    ((function Same -> Here (x, goal)
       | NotSame ->
           let Ex1 ((y, to_y)) = wander x in
           Transitive (to_y, walk y goal))
    : ((a, b) meet -> (a, b) nearby))
      (compare x goal))

Regarding the first part, thanks to Gabriel, that explained it to me.

On Mon, Dec 9, 2013 at 6:24 PM, Lukasz Stafiniak <> wrote:
On Mon, Dec 9, 2013 at 6:16 PM, Lukasz Stafiniak <> wrote:

I am at a loss as to the difference between ['a.] syntax and [type a.] syntax of introducing polymorphic recursion. I will provide some examples. (Bear with me, they are automatically generated.)
Now to a more complex example.

In the complex example, the problem is not the difference between ['a.] syntax and [type a.] syntax, but polymorphic recursion and GADTs in OCaml generally. What type annotations do I need to provide?