Le 8 sept. 2013 07:35, "Suminda Dharmasena" a écrit : > Is it possible to have a Eclipse based IDE? Perhaps Xtext may help in putting one together. I have never wrote a plugin for eclipse, nor have I used eclipse much, but I expect it shouldn't be too hard to write a small plugin which would then call merlin [1] or ocp-index [2]. Of the two I suspect ocp-index might be the easiest to wrap (only a few commands to wrap, compared to a full protocol for merlin), but if you're looking for the whole eclipse experience (i.e. reporting of errors and warning as you type, not just having completion available) merlin should be your tool of choice, imho. If you decide to go with merlin you'll find that the protocol is not really documented at the moment, we (I am one of the developpers) are working on that though, but you can always contact us (by mail or one the bugtracker) if you have any question or request. Thomas. [1] https://github.com/def-lkb/merlin [2] https://github.com/OCamlPro/ocp-index