Hi Bob, On Sun, Dec 17, 2017 at 3:49 PM, Robert Muller wrote: > [...] > As I understand it, the OCaml community isn't paying much attention to the > Reason design process. That process is heavily influenced by JS so there > are ample opportunities for unrepairable mistakes. > You have a misunderstanding on this matter. The Reason team contains some very seasoned OCaml hackers. The new syntax of version 3 was mostly designed (IIUC) and implemented by the maintainer of Merlin. These are not script kiddies trying to push JavaScript sensibilities everywhere. These are OCaml people who are trying very carefully to design a syntax that appeals to a massive number of people. Also, you have another misunderstanding about reparability. One of the key components of the Reason toolkit is refmt, the reformatting tool, which they use to automatically and seamlesly upgrade users to the new syntax. In fact this is how they pulled off the version 2 -> version 3 syntax upgrade--they provided a shell script wrapper with the correct invocation to do the syntax change. So you see, the Reason project has made it so it can easily back out of mistakes. They've thought about this very carefully. I repeat my invitation to you to come and talk to them in their chat server, discord.gg/reasonml . Perhaps that will give you some reassurance. Regards, Yawar