Hi Bob,

On Mon, Dec 11, 2017 at 1:56 PM, Robert Muller <robert.muller2@gmail.com> wrote:
Apologies for igniting a bit of a syntax flame war; it wasn't my intention.

I felt that most people here had a very good discussion. I just didn't like that a couple of people resorted to name-calling. I get that they don't like something, there's no need to belittle others who do.
The Reason project is fantastic and I hope it's successful. I'm concerned with teaching OCaml (or possibly Reason) not to JS programmers but to first-year university students and to students being introduced to algebra.

Very interesting that parenthesis syntax is closer to high-school algebra function syntax. I really do hope that Reason or something like it becomes popular as a teaching language. I've heard that some high schools in the States are teaching C++ to kids as their first language. If we can present OCaml/Reason as a good alternative, we can save kids from having to learn C++ :-D

